Simple Order Manager Frequently Asked Questions

Note: Due to some recent changes, some FAQ answers may be somewhat out of context. Hopefully, you will get the information you need from this FAQ, but we recognize that is is far from complete, so please contact us if you need further help.

  • What is Simple Order Manager?

    • What does Simple Order Manager do?
      Simple Order Manager is a web base application that helps businesses with in house production to manage their workflow. Its main features are order entry, invoice creation, production list creation, account management, and supply management. It is a web based tool which means there is no software to install, and anybody on your team can access Simple Order Manager from anywhere they have internet access.
    • What are the advantages of using Simple Order Manager?
      There are several advantages to using Simple Order Manager to run your business.
      • Enter data once: With Simple Order Manager you only have to enter your data one time, and then you can use it for many different purposes. For example, once you have entered an order, creating an invoice is just a few clicks away.
      • Web Based: Simple Order Manager is web based. This means that there is no software to install, and you can access Simple Order Manager from anywhere you can access the internet. (Practically everywhere these days) Also, because it is web-based you get new features as they are added.
      • Features tailored to your business: Simple Order Manager is NOT the right tool for everyone, it is not our goal to help just any business, but rather to help businesses with in house production. That means our feature set is custom built for you.
      • Constantly evolving and improving: At Simple Order Manager we pride ourselves in constantly striving to make this the perfect tool for your business. We are constantly working to make our current features work more easily, as well as adding features that our users request. Is there something you would like to see in Simple Order Manager? Let use know! If it is something that we feel will enrich all of our users' experience, we will add it free of charge!
  • How do I get started?

    • How do I sign up?
      Signing up is easy! Just go to our sign up page and fill out the form. After that, you can follow the steps in getting started to enter all of you data, and customize Simple Order Manager to fit your needs.
    • Can I try Simple Order Manager for Free?
      Yes! There are 2 ways to try Simple Order Manager. First, you can log in using our test account. This account is setup for a fake company called SOM Lucky Jewelers. Try it out by logging in with:
      Company Name: SOM Lucky Jewelers
      User Name: Theo
      Password: Theo
      The other way to try Simple Order Manager for free is to sign up, and start using it. We wont charge you a dime for the first 60 days. If you don't like it after trying it, you can just stop using it. We will even give you a copy of any data you have entered to take with you!
    • What do I do next?
      Once you have signed up you will be taken to the setup dashboard. This will guide you through the setup process.
    • How do I import Contacts from
      Some of our users use the UPS built in address book. If you do, you can easily import those contacts into Simple Order Manager.
      1. Follow these instructions to export your contacts from to your computer.
      2. Download the file that is created, called
      3. unzip the file. This will create a file called CSVEXPORT.CSV
      4. Upload CSVEXPORT.CSV using the file selector below
    • How do I upload pieces?
      In order to upload pieces, you need to create a csv file with all of your piece information.
      1. Download this file and save it to your desktop. (Or any other location you like)
      2. Open the file with excel.
      3. Add your pieces to this spreadsheet. If you know what the production lists for these pieces are going to be, then add the name of the production list in the production list type column. See 'what are pieces' or Pieces help for information on what the different fields mean.
      4. Save pieces.csv. (Be sure to save it as a csv file, excel will warn you about saving as a csv, but do not save as a .xls file!)
      5. Finally, upload the csv file using the file chooser below.
    • How do I import contacts from my mac?
      To import a mac address book, you need to export your contacts into a Vcard file.
      1. Open the address book application (Applications | Address Book)
      2. Select the addresses you want to export
      3. Drag them onto the desktop to create a single vCard file.
      4. Upload the file using the file selector below.
      For more help, refer to this article from apple, or this article from macworld.
    • How do I upload supplies?
      The easiest way to add supplies to your pieces is to upload them using the supplies worksheet. This should be done after you have already added your pieces.
      1. Download this worksheet and open it using excel.
      2. As you can see, the first column contains a list of all of your piece codes. For each piece, add all of the supplies and quantities for that piece in its row. If you want to add more than 10 supplies, go ahead.
      3. Save the file as a csv
      4. Upload the file using the file selector below
      A few things to keep in mind are:
      • Do NOT put the unit of measurement in the quantity column. Just put the number. You can add the units later.
      • Make sure the supply names are spelled the exact same way each time. If not, they will be considered different supply types.
      • Use the same unit for each supply type. In other words, if one piece requires 6 inches of silver chain, and another requires 12 inches of silver chain, dont do 6 inces for one, and 1 foot for the other.
      As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at
    • How do I upload my supply details?
      Once you have added the supplies to your pieces, you can upload the details of your supplies easily.
      1. Download this worksheet and open it using excel.
      2. As you will see, all of the supplies you have entered into the system are listed here. Use this sheet to enter the unit type (feet, inches, whatever you used when you uploaded the supplies), and the vendor of the supply. If you don't know the vendor or units, you can always fill it out later
      3. Save the file as a csv
      4. Upload the file using the file selector below
        1. As always, if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at
  • How can I get help?

  • How do I use Simple Order Manager?

    • How do I create an Order?
      Creating an Order is one of the central activities in Simple Order Manager. Prior to entering an order, you must be logged into SOM, and the following information should be entered:
      1. The Buyer information (See adding Buyers)
      2. The pieces that are going into the order (See adding pieces)
      Once that data is entered, you are ready to start.
      1. Go to the Orders section by clicking on 'Orders' in the SOM toolbar.
      2. Click on 'New Order'
      3. Choose the Buyer - Click on 'None Selected' next to 'Buyer'. Notice that the text turns yellow when you mouseover. That means you can change the data by clicking on it.
      4. After clicking, a pulldown menu will appear containing all of your Buyers. Choose the correct one, and then click 'ok'.
      5. All of the other fields are optional, but we recommend that you at least add a due date (click on the '...' next to 'Due Date', and choose the date.)
      6. You can also set the status of the Order. See Customizing Statuses for more information on modifying theses options to suit your needs. The other fields are:
        • Order Number - This number will show up on the invoice, and is a unique number for the order. See customizing order numbers for more information.
        • ASAP - click this for orders that should be processed ASAP.
        • Notes - any general notes on the order should be stored here
      7. Click on the 'Create and Add Pieces' button
  • What are the different types of data in Simple Order Manager?

    • What are Pieces?

      Pieces are what you sell. If you are a jeweler, they are your necklaces, bracelets, and rings. If you are a furniture maker, they are your chairs, tables, desks, and dressers. Each piece in Simple Order Manager is made up of the following parts

      • name - the name of the piece, such as '12" silver bracelet with star charms'. Piece names must be unique.
      • code - a shorthand code for the piece - this can be a simple number, or something a little more meaningful, but easier to remember. The codes you use are up to you, but a good system of codes will make using simple order manager much easier. One scheme might designate the first letter as the type of piece (say B for bracelet, N for necklace, R for ring, E for earing), the second letter the material used (G for gold, S for silver, etc), and then a number. Using this scheme, the 12" silver bracelet with star charms mentioned above might be given the code 'BS001'. Again, the codes you use are entirely up to you, and you can always change them later. Codes must be unique.
      • default price - This is the price of the piece. It is referred to as the default price because when you add a piece to an order, this is the defualt price that will be used. You are free to change it within the order however, for example if you were giving the customer a discount.
      • production list type - Most in house production involves multiple distinct processes for making pieces. For example, glass pieces may use one process, while metal pieces may use another. When you generate production lists, these different types of pieces need to be separated into different production lists. If you are adding your pieces by hand, then you should skip this, and enter the information after you have created your production lists. If, however you are creating a spreadsheet, it will save you time later if you take care of this now. More details will be provided when the details of the spreadsheet are described.
    • What are users?
      Every account in simple order manager can have multiple users, each one with their own login. This is helpful if your business has multiple employees using simple order manager.
      The number of users you are allowed depends on the plan you are signed up for. See pricing for more details on the number of user allowed for the different plans.
    • How do I configure invoices?
      Simple Order Manager allows you to create customized invoices based your orders. This is a great way to save time, and one of the most useful features of SOM. You have 3 options for configuring your SOM invoice.
      • Generic Invoice - When you create an account, you are automatically setup with a generic invoice. This invoice has no information about your company on it, and is really only to get you started.
      • Basic Setup - In order to add a custom logo, your company name and address, and a custom footer, you should use the base setup. This will create a suitable invoice for most purposes.
      • Advanced Setup - If you want to further customize your invoice template, the advanced setting allows you to customize the header, body, and footer of the invoice to suit your needs.

      In addition to customizing the invoice template, you can also customize the terms shown on the invoice and the shipping types.